Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Zoo Playground Slideshow

Some additional pictures from our day at the zoo. If you click the x the pictures will come up on the FlICKR website.


Zoo Trip

With some cool July weather and a day off, we headed west for another trip to the NC zoo. We again enjoyed the elephants, lions, monkeys and other zoo animals. The new area for the elephants and rhinos was partly opened. We were able to get an even better view of Brett's favorite animal, the elephant. Breandan is trying to say elephant. He was scared of Sea Lions when the passed by the glass window. He can be a little timid when he first approaches a new situation but normally quickly warms ups. We also have enjoyed seeing the zoo's three lion cubs grow up. Breandan was able to roar like a lion.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our Curious Boy

Breandan has always been very curious. Yesterday, I caught him exploring the effects of spilling his milk on the floor and stomping his foot. (I was taking Brett and Pepper's picture when I caught Breandan in the act). He had a good time but made a big mess. To teach a lesson about consequences he helped me cleaned up his mess after I took the picture.


Brett and Pepper

Brett loves his dogs. The other day he requested that I take his picture with Pepper. They both are pretty cute!


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Brett Learning to Crawl


Friday, July 13, 2007

Our First YMCA Camp

Breandan, Brett and I just finished our first YMCA camp. We learned about nursery rhymes this week. Brett perfected his version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Breandan had fun playing with the big kids all week. He did great following directions and playing with the 2 year olds. They made lots of crafts and planted wild flowers in their cups. We had so much at camp last week that we are going back to camp on Monday.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Boys in Boxes

How time flies...
It is amazing how fast they grow...The older picture is from May 2006. We're just thankful that they enjoy playing together (most of the time).


Poppop and Boys

We had lots of fun the last two weeks with Mommom, Poppop, and Bandit visiting from MD. The boys enjoyed camping, looking for bugs, making smores and hunting for fire flies. We cannot wait to go camping again.


Friday, July 6, 2007

Sleepy Dogs

Pepper recently has taken to sleeping in a cat position. She is most often found sleeping on the back of the couch. Daisy, seems to continue to prefer the couch cushions. At least, they are quiet and out of trouble when they are asleep.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

We celebrated the 4th of July in the small "town" of Rolesville, NC. There was lots to do before the fireworks celebration. We had our first bites of cotton candy, saw the firetruck, then rode a firetruck and ate some watermelon. Brett and Breandan rode a pony named pie. Brett also bounced in a bounce house with the big kids. Of course, we also watched the fireworks. Breandan held on to Mommom with a mighty grip. He never took his eyes off the sky but he also never let go of Mommom's arm. Everyone had a good time.


Two Fire Fighters

Breandan and Brett have been having fun with some costumes. They pretended to fight fires yesterday after seeing the fire trucks at the 4th of July Celebration we attended.