Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Brett started preschool last Thursday. It was a big day for us. We had been hoping he would be able to attend them same school as Cole, one of little boys I take care of 3 days a week. Just a week before school started we heard that Brett was going to be able to go. It was so exciting.

He's in school on Tue and Thurs mornings for 3.5 hours. There are 8 children in his class. His teacher is Ms. Wendy. She used to teach for Wake County Public Schools. We excited about all the new things he will learn this year. He came home yesterday singing the "Bubble Gum Song". He also loves the bike set up at the playground. There are 5 "bikes" attached to a wheel and the kids petal around in a circle. It has been a highlight each day so far.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Brett!

Today is Brett's 4th Birthday. It is hard to believe that our little tiny baby is now 4. I've put together a slideshow of some photos of Brett from this past year. He's grown several inches, become more confident and is quite the big idea man. We are so proud of the big boy he has become.