Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat Pictures


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkin Craving 101

Seane and the boys had a great time craving our pumpkins. Seane was super creative and downloaded and printed images that were special to each of the boys from the internet. Brett was interested in cleaning out the pumpkins- Breandan, with the shorter attention span, was more interested in eating lunch. While, the boys napped, Seane patiently and meticulously craved each pumpkin. Brett was treated to a clever Blue of "Blue's Clues" Fame. While, Breandan received his beloved Elmo pumpkin. We had fun "lighting" the pumpkins - with tap lights each night before Halloween. They were some very special pumpkins


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Just Like My Daddy

Breandan likes to play pretend with dress up clothes at home and at the Y. Yesterday, he had some extra fun pretending to be Daddy. He a lot had fun wearing Seane's work shoes and socks. It didn't take Breandan anytime to put them on after Seane got home from work last night. Although the shoes gave him trouble walking, he was sure proud to be in his Daddy's shoes.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We visited our first pumpkin patch on Monday. We visited Belinda's Pumpkin's and Gourds. It was much more exciting on the Internet then in person but we still had fun choosing some pumpkins. Brett and Breandan were at first more interested in playing in the sandbox and with the swing set then picking a pumpkin. We eventually were able to entice them into choosing pumpkins. Breandan became so attached that he actually slept with his pumpkin after we got home. The next day it rode with us in the car to the YMCA and then back to bed again for nap time. We finally been able to put the pumpkin outside with the others- at least until he spots it again. Do not worry- it is a little pumpkin--- perfect for carrying around!


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Charleston, SC

Last week, we took a family vacation to Charleston, SC. Although, at times we felt like we had the only kids in Charleston, we had a great time and found lots to do.
Our first adventure was to the aircraft carrier the Yorktown. We also climbed inside a sub and checked out a destroyer. The Yorktown is huge! The boys had fun climbing in and out of all the doors and hideaways. We even saw an radio man that just like Grandpa King during his Navy days.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Matthew Taylor Edelen

We have a new nephew! Brett and Breandan our thrilled to have their very first maternal cousin! Breandan is especially happy to no longer be the baby.

Matthew Taylor Edelen was born Friday, October 5 at 12:29 am. Weighing 7.2 lbs

We cannot wait to meet Matthew!


Good Morrow! Ye Friends and Family!

Yesterday, we had the pleasure and fun of attending the NC Renaissance Festival near Charlotte. We were able to see some jousting, eat a turkey leg, visit a petting zoo, and swing in a giant swan shaped swing. There was also a playground with lots of sand for building sand castles.

At the jousting tournament we cheered for the blue knight, he didn't win but we cheered really really loud. Brett refers to him as the good knight.

Brett and Breandan also rode in the butterfly swing. I didn't think Breandan would want to ride but he surprised us all by climbing right in and enjoying the ride.

To our surprise and delight, there were also Elephant rides. Elephants are Brett's "favorite" animal so we couldn't pass on the unique experience. Seane, Brett and Breandan took a nice slow stroll on the old elephant "Judy". I'm not quite sure if how she related to the renaissance theme but the boys loved the chance to go for an elephant ride.