Monday, May 26, 2008

Camping 101

We decided to take the boys camping this weekend. We packed up and headed for Falls Lake near our home. The boys were very excited as they both remember camping last summer with Mommom and Poppop. We arrived at the campsite late Sunday afternoon and set up camp. We quickly headed down to the chilly lake for a quick dip. Swimming was the one thing the boys had on their agenda. After a quick swim, we had turkey burgers and made smores. Everyone slept well, as we had packed a small box heater. It was in the low 50s and we wanted to make sure no one was too chilly. We were up early with Mr. Sun and ate pancakes for breakfast. Brett and Breandan also helped Seane make a new fire for some early morning smores. We also went to the playground and the boys rode their scooters around the campground. After lunch, we headed back to the lake for another swim. Our friend, Michelle joined us for another swim and some sand castle/ lake building. Both boys ended up falling asleep in Seane's lap and taking a litte nap on the beach. It was a great way to spend Memorial Day.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Matthew and Aunt Elizabeth Visit

After at trip to Maryland for Easter, Aunt Elizabeth and Matthew came and stayed with us. We had lots of fun with them. Matthew was almost 6 months old when he was visiting. Brett and Breandan were happy to see that Matthew has a "taggie" of his very own.

Matthew also played in the tub, checked out the cool cars at the mall, and even let Breandan ride him like a horse. Brett developed the chicken pox the day Matthew was leaving but thankfully he didn't end up catching them. We are glad we shared some fun time with Matthew and Aunt Elizabeth.


Saturday, May 17, 2008


We purchased two scooters for the boys on Wednesday. They had a great time trying them out. We have them out everyday since. They are quick learners: they've mastered scooting, riding with both feet up, stopping and now we are working on turning after coasting down our little "hill". In the picture below notice how their style mimic each other.


We're Back

After nearly 6 months we are back in action. I was given a new camera for Mother's Day and we've been busy taking pictures ever since.... Here's a few shots from the last week...